
How to Extend The Lifespan of Your Water Storage System

Perfect Fit Tank Liner Water TowerWater storage systems provide an important resource for homes, businesses, and municipalities. Storing water efficiently includes keeping the tank well-maintained. Whether for drinking, irrigation, or emergency reserves, the infrastructure of your storage system can directly impact its lifespan. One way to extend the lifespan of your water tanks is to incorporate tank liners. Perfect Fit Tank Liners specializes in custom PVC products, which are ideal for above-ground, underground, and elevated water tanks.

Water Storage System Challenges

Today’s water storage system faces many challenges, including environmental factors and contamination risks. Municipal water storage systems in the US are deteriorating due to their age, which are many decades old. Aging infrastructure can lead to cracks, leaks, and increased maintenance costs like repairs and inspections. On top of these issues, there is also a growing demand for this essential resource. This is why many municipalities are investing in PVC liners for water tanks, like those offered by Perfect Fit Tank Liners.

What Are Water Tank Liners?

Water tank liners can be made in various materials, the most popular being flexible PVC. Perfect Fit Tank Liners are known to extend the lifespan of water storage systems, providing a cost-effective solution for many industries. These protective barriers help prevent leaks and maintain water quality. Areas like Chicago use tank liners to prevent algae growth, improve microbial safety, and reduce maintenance costs.

Benefits of Water Tank Liners

Water tank linings offer ample benefits, from preventing leaks to extending tank lifespan. Unlike full tank replacements, tank liner installations are much more convenient. The process involves draining, measuring, securing the tank liner with adhesives, and refilling. Below, we will go in-depth into each benefit and highlight the reasons why tank liners are important for water storage maintenance.

  • 1. Leak Prevention: Traditional water tanks can develop cracks due to aging. Water tank liners can seal these cracks, preventing contamination and water flowing out.
  • 2. Extends Tank Lifespan: Liners add an extra layer of protection, which delays the need for a full tank replacement.
  • 3. Improves Water Quality: Water tank liners serve as a barrier for rust, algae, and other contaminants. This is critical for municipal water storage systems.
  • 4. Chemical Resistance: Perfect Fit Tank Liners are resistant to chemicals and can prevent harmful substances from entering the municipal water supply.
  • 5. Reduced Maintenance Costs: Installing PVC liners for water tanks is often more cost-effective than replacing water storage systems entirely. These liners can also be quickly replaced if needed.

The Role of Tank Liners for Municipal Water Storage

Municipal water storage systems play a unique role in ensuring a safe and reliable water supply for communities. The stakes are often high because water tanks also provide potable water in emergency situations. Municipal tanks that are concrete, steel, or fiberglass are susceptible to corrosion, which can lead to contamination. This is where water tank liners can help because they create a waterproof seal. Concrete storage tanks are also prone to leaching, causing lime and minerals to dissolve into the water. Perfect Fit Tank Liners offers products that can prevent this issue.

Why Choose Perfect Fit Tank Liners

Many municipalities and other industries choose to work with Perfect Fit Tank Liners because of our commitment to quality products. Established in 1978, our decades of experience are supported by testimonials and 18,000 square feet of industrial space for manufacturing PVC liners for water tanks. Get in touch with our experts to learn more about our innovative technologies for improving water storage.

Where To Buy Water Storage Tank Liners

Perfect Fit Tank Liners offers high-quality, custom-made tank liners for municipal, industrial, and agricultural applications. Whether you need a liner for potable water, chemical containment, or wastewater storage, our company has the right product for you. Browse our selection of tank liners here. In need of a custom solution? Call Perfect Fit at 708-479-550 to talk with one of our experts, or request a quote for your water storage application.